Our Lives Are Not A Political Game

Since the Parkland shooting on February 14th, the movement to end gun violence has only grown. What is absurd is the fact that lives are constantly being lost everyday for a variety of reasons, but gun violence is one of those many reasons. Black activists have been pushing for changes in gun control legislation, the criminal justice …

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The PCRF is Far From Controversy

Where's Palestine some might say? Palestine, is that a country? These are all common questions asked by many people around the globe because what was once Palestine is now Israel. There is a long and grueling history behind the situation and Palestine and Israel are still in conflict as well as have been at war …

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Does It Have To Be A Controversy?

Image: https://www.acrolinx.com/webinars/5-content-controversies/ Abortion. Feminism. Gender roles. LGBTQ rights. Standing up during the national anthem. Immigrants. Gun control. Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Health care. The American pledge of allegiance. Did you slightly twitch for a second? Did an uncomfortable feeling swallow you whole? Did you clench your teeth a bit? Did your face slightly turn red? Any of these …

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