When Did Generalizations Ever Help?

Social media has become one of the greatest and one of the worst innovations of all time. People are constantly making generalizations, appropriating culture, and being complacent to all perspectives of an issue. Just like today, adults constantly make generalizations about teenagers.

Many adults today believe all teenagers eat tide pods, do not understand issues, are uneducated, causers of chaos, and haters of education. The same could be said about the adults in our nation based on their choices and mistakes that have cost our generation more than can be imagined to fix. Adults tend to forget that generalizations also apply when speaking about children. Children are humans too, teens are humans too, and every age group is a human. Therefore, all ages should be treated as humans. The world constantly makes generalizations about every group of individuals, whether they are Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Catholic, LGBTQ, Black, White, Asian, Middle Eastern, European, etc. Generalizations are what get the world in trouble.

When speaking about children and the youth, we must not forget how much they had changed the world. Some might be shorter than others, but the power behind the passion instilled in youth is found in no other. The youth have led anti Vietnam war protests in the U.S., they have led Civil Rights Movements, they have led movements against drafts, they have led movements like the now Never Again movement, and more.

Generalizations overall just harm the innovations and the changes of any society, generation, or culture wishes to foresee. Today children are called liberal pawns, crisis actors, tide pod eaters when he entire world knows nothing about their lives. The youth have had experiences as well because they LIVE AS WELL. The youth lives life not only through their own eyes, body, soul and mind; but through their parents’ lives as well. This severely impacts the outcome of the child’s response to life.

If any generalizations need to be made, it is the generalization that our entire society has become accustomed to negative energy and constant divide.

If one stops generalizing the youth, change will be seen and CHANGE IS COMING!









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