March for Our Lives, Counter Protests & Outcome

Tomorrow is the March for Our Lives in DC along with sister marches across the country. There is so much to expect tomorrow whether it be what will be said, who will be present, what will be the response, whether there will be counter protesters or not, etc. Marches are being held across more than 800 cities around the world. Our country has become chaotic to the point of making the public protest more than every before almost as much as the Civil Rights Movement. Tomorrow, the expectations include knowing there will be some counter protesters. Counter protesters will be quite ignored. The entire point of the March for Our Lives is to call our national and local governments to action. The country has had enough and we are tired of the weak and worthless policies our nation’s Congress is coming up with. Some Congress members are still being controlled by the National Rifle Association and some Congress members are simply too fearful to take the strong actions needed in our nation due to “angering” some of their constituents.

There have been many conversations on social media by the so called opponents of the entire movement on what exactly will be accomplished by protesting. What really was accomplished because of the walkouts across the nation. The answer is simple. The nation wants common sense gun reform NOW without the partisan disagreements, without the arguments across the nation, without the fear of betraying beloved gun lobbyists, without the fear of losing constituents. Our lives are not supposed to be a political matter held in the hands of those who have been purchased by our materialistic society.

Half a million people will be in Washington, D.C. and more than half a million people will be marching around the world. If Congress and the opponents on this issue do not fear us now, they will fear us tomorrow.

Gun violence affects all communities across the nation and there have been already more than 16 shootings in this nation since the start of 2018 not including the “common shootings” in many neighborhoods and cities. The constant tension, fear and neglect of the issue has led to inaction by out Congress members. Opponents should not be opponents on this issue. We should all be on the side of protecting lives and regulating violence!!! How can that happen with a divided nation without the pressure that will be put on everyone on March 24th?

Congress already fears us as they have already made two moves the night before the march. One move was not just pure coincidence, but an act encouraged by fear of the millions of people protesting tomorrow. This is how you know, the March for Our Lives will create the greatest impact ever imagined on our gun control system.

Move #1 before the march: Moving to FINALLY ban BUMP STOCKS

Move #2 that will only push the administration in the right direction once more after the anger of millions is amplified. (BIG MISTAKE)

Amidst the movement and the day before the march, Donald Trump decides to go back on his previous statement in July and silently bury another issue amidst the rage over gun violence. The transgender ban is discriminatory and unacceptable yet he did not know how many people will be catching onto this tomorrow. The anger will boil over more than ever and he is prepared to flee.




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