Our Lives Are Not A Political Game

Since the Parkland shooting on February 14th, the movement to end gun violence has only grown. What is absurd is the fact that lives are constantly being lost everyday for a variety of reasons, but gun violence is one of those many reasons. Black activists have been pushing for changes in gun control legislation, the criminal justice system, the police system, etc. for ages, and yet to this day no effective changes have been created. For most of the nation, there has been little action on the entire gun violence issue itself. The reason behind it can either be credited to the apathy shown towards black activists and all of their efforts or the fact that gun violence has become a political/racial card.

For years there has been inaction on gun control legislation and even punishing police officers regarding the mistakes they have made with their weapons. The matter of our lives has never been a political matter and it should NOT be a political matter except our politicians have made it so. Politicians have CREATED sides on the issue and America’s gun culture only augmented these divides. What is quite comical is the fact that those who want gun control legislation to be passed are now called Liberals and those who are proud supporters of the second amendment are labeled as Republicans by the public.

What is shameful about the entire controversy with these two political sides is the fact that there is self interest within each party. According to Republicans, the liberals are pushing this agenda and making kids their “liberal pawns”. According to liberals, or in other words, Democrats, the Republicans only care for the second amendment and do not care one bit about the lives being lost due to the issue.

What is even more concerning is the fact that while more individuals die due to gun violence, such as young Stephon Clark in Sacramento only two days ago, and more students are injured due to gun violence such as in a Maryland school only a few days ago,  the politicians argue about how to go about solving the issue based on their own agendas. The Republicans do not want compromise and the Democrats want to look superior in the fight. While politicians are still accepting money from the National Rifle Association, more individuals are dying in our nation due to gun violence. What is even more shameful is the fact that some believe students who are speaking out are “crisis actors”. The students are fixing a mess that should have been fixed before they were even born. Those who died due to gun violence are most likely laughing from afar while they see Washington and surrounding state government elected officials quarrel about who will save the day and how as more lives continue to be lost.

One concept needs to be understood between the public and politicians while they continue to argue over the root of the issue…and get nothing done. Politicians will get moving and create the change in legislation and gun culture we wish to see because the real humans (have lack of self interest; pure) in this world (children) are on the move and are stronger than ever. Many in the movement are turning 18 just as we approach midterm elections. While our lives are constantly being played with in each party, we laugh because those who do not cooperate…WILL BE VOTED OUT.

Pick up your signs and gather your voices because you should all be attending or supporting the movement to end gun violence in our nation. Lives are more important than any written words. The list of victims cannot keep growing, therefore, head on over to Washington D.C. this Saturday, March 24th to march for YOUR lives, YOUR children’s lives, YOUR future children’s lives, EVERYONE’S LIVES!

Information about the March for Our Lives in DC below:



“When did our lives become a political and ideological controversy?” – anonymous student

“They shouldn’t be, and that is why we march.” – anonymous student

With solidarity,

Dounya Ramadan






One thought on “Our Lives Are Not A Political Game

  1. WE are change and we are the future. Enough is enough and this is our time to make a difference so that nothing like this happens again. I’m lucky enough to have the opportunity to march at DC on the 24th and I know that many others will do the same. #marchforourlives


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